The Bachelor’s Colton Underwood Tests Positive for Coronavirus


Former Bachelor Colton Underwood is the latest celebrity to say they’ve tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The reality star took to social media on Friday to post a message for fans, re-iterating that even young people can catch the virus and to take precaution.

“I’m 28, I consider myself pretty healthy. I work out regularly, I eat healthy. And I became symptomatic a few days ago,” he shared in a post on his social media. “Got my test results back today and they are positive. And it’s been kicking my ass, just to put it very bluntly,” Underwood said in the video.

The former football player has been self-isolating in the Huntington Beach, Calif., family home of his girlfriend, Cassie Randolph, who he met during his 2019 stint as The Bachelor.

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“The reason I’m sharing this is not to cause fear or panic but to hopefully encourage you guys to stay at home, do your part,” Underwood continued in the video. “Take care of yourselves, take care of one another.”

Underwood joins a growing list of celebrities and public figures who have contracted the virus that has the world trying to practice social distancing. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson tested positive for the virus while in Australia. They have since been released from hospital isolation and are isolating at a rental home. Idris Elba, Game of Thrones alum Kristofer Hivju, and several professional athletes have also tested positive.

Colton Underwood, The Bachelor

Source : TVGuide