The better way to travel may surprise you and the birthdays when you’re most likely to change your life


Happy Friday, MarketWatchers! Here are the top personal finance stories of the day.

Personal Finance
These are the birthdays when you’re most likely to make real change in your life

It’s not when you hit 30, 40 or 50.

Single mothers who graduate college earn $600,000 more over their lifetimes

Only 8% of single moms graduate within six years.

The number of days homes spend on the market hits post-recession low

List-to-sale time has dropped by more than 50% since 2010.

Royal Caribbean joins IKEA, says it will eventually eliminate plastic straws

Consumers and lawmakers are calling for the reduction in the use of plastic.

This $7 coconut-flavored Chardonnay is aimed at millennial women

The brand’s CEO says wine is too snobby and needs to be more ‘fun.’

There’s a better way to travel, and it’s much slower

Ditch the jampacked itinerary and tourist traps, and go for a trip that follows the “slow travel” doctrine.

Wait! Don’t destroy those old credit cards yet

Now that you’ve upgraded to a better card, you might be tempted to close your old cards. Don’t.

Woman claims hacker used baby monitor to spy on her—how to protect yourself

Smart devices in your home are easy targets for hackers.

KFC is right — people are gobbling up ’meat replacements’

KFC is trying a vegetarian version of its chicken in the U.K.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Ex-Trump campaign chairman Manafort faces new charges in Russia probe

A federal grand jury indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and a business associate on charges of trying to influence the testimony of potential witnesses at Manafort’s looming trial.

Fed’s goal is to signal an ‘unhurried’ pace of interest-rate hikes

The Federal Reserve will signal it remains on a gradual and unhurried rate path, but faces hurdles in sticking to this message.

America is house-rich but cash-poor. These businesses see opportunity.

In a housing upcycle, companies buying stakes in homes are offering alternatives to HELOCs and reverse mortgages.

G-7 may not survive as Macron, Trudeau attack Trump

The G-7 process that has guided international relations since the 1970s could rupture over trade tensions, as the leaders of France and Canada seemed to have no interest in trying to cajole President Donald Trump in their talks this weekend.

Why Trump is targeting G-7 nations on trade

President Trump has threatened Canada and France with higher tariffs if they don’t ease up on what he considers unfair policies, sparking fresh worries that a simmering dispute over trade will boil over and damage the world’s leading economies. Here’s how the U.S. stacks up against the so-called G-7 countries on trade.

About those millennial homebuyers: they’re getting younger and younger

Millennials aren’t just buying homes, they’re doing it at ever-younger ages.

Trump lashes out at Canada, France over trade — and will bail on G-7 summit early

President Donald Trump plans to leave the Quebec summit hours earlier than planned, after a war of words broke out between him and former close U.S. allies over trade.

With G-7 united against his trade war, Trump is going it alone

President Donald Trump has dismantled many of the international institutions that the U.S. once championed. Could the Group of Seven be next?

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Source : MTV