The chief medical officer at a Mumbai hospital, honored for her work to fight Covid, died with the disease.


Dr. Manisha Jadhav, the chief medical officer at the Group of Tuberculosis Hospitals in Mumbai, died on April 19 in a hospital in that city. She was 51. The cause was complications of Covid-19, her husband said.

Her job involved managing the hospital’s staff and handling its operations. When the pandemic hit Mumbai in March 2020, she quickly organized personal protective equipment for the hospital’s workers amid a severe shortage, ensured that they had food and made travel arrangements for the staff when public transport was suspended during the lockdown.

She was one of 13 doctors honored for their efforts by the governor of Maharashtra State in December.

“Doctors are like soldiers,” she would say. “They can’t be unavailable.”

Manisha Ramugade was born in Mumbai on May 11, 1969, to Ram and Ratan Ramugade. Her father was a postal worker, her mother a homemaker. She was the youngest of four siblings.

“As a kid, she would tell us that she wanted to become a doctor, and joke about giving injections,” her sister Sunita said.

Along with her husband and her sister Sunita, Dr. Jadhav is survived by her son, Darshan, a medical student in Ukraine, and another sister, Anita. Her brother, Ravi, died last year.

Source : Nytimes