The Flash Season 7 Trailer Previews Iris’ Descent Into Madness in the Mirrorverse


The first trailer for The Flash Season 7 has arrived, and it’s full of even more Mirrorverse drama! The trailer debuted during a sneak peek at The Flash‘s DC FanDome panel, where the cast previewed the new season and how old Season 6 footage would be incorporated.

In the trailer, Iris (Candice Patton) can be seen arguing with what appears to be another mirror version of herself, but what is more likely a break in her psyche. The duplicate calls herself a product of her “broken mind” and warns Iris that no one is coming to save her this time. Her only two options in her new Mirrorverse home? Survival or madness. Um, we choose survival? Yes, definitely go for survival, Iris! 

“It’ll be interesting to see when she comes out — and I believe she’ll come out very soon — how she has been affected by being stuck in this maddening world with this maddening villain,” Patton said during the panel.

Meanwhile, Barry’s (Grant Gustin) speed is at an all-time low as Eva’s (Efrat Dor) evil reign over Central City begins. While the rest of the team is still hard at work trying to create an artificial Speed Force, its up to Barry to figure out how he can take on Eva without his speed.

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Showrunner Eric Wallace revealed during the panel that 85 percent of Season 7 Episode 20 had been filmed before COVID-19 shutdowns, which was what made up the majority of the new Season 7 sizzle reel. “Even though it’s only footage really from one episode, pay attention to the way it’s presented,” Wallace said. “It’s actually huge spoilers all over the place.”

The Flash Season 7 is expected to premiere in 2021 on The CW.

Candice Patton, The Flash

Source : TVGuide