This 9-1-1 Preview Shows a Key Moment in Eddie’s Tragic Family History


9-1-1 fans are already well-versed on the subject of Eddie Diaz’s (Ryan Guzman) tragic family history, but on Monday’s new episode, titled “Eddie Begins,” we’re going to get to witness some of the most important moments of Eddie’s past through harrowing flashback sequences as he faces another crisis in real-time.

In this exclusive sneak peek at one of those moments, Shannon (Devin Kelley) takes Eddie to task for reenlisting for another tour in Afghanistan without even so much as discussing it with her first. In the clip, Eddie insists he’s simply trying to provide for his family, and that Christopher, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, needs her to be home with him rather than returning to work. However, Shannon is devastated at the thought of being alone again.

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“We need you here. I cannot do this without you,” she pleads. When Eddie counters that he only enlisted for service to provide for her and Christopher in the first place, she reminds him that he’d also made that decision without considering her wishes. “I got pregnant and you signed up. Surprise! You keep saying that you didn’t have a choice, but you’re the one who keeps making these choices for the rest of us.”

Monday’s episode will feature Eddie attempting to save a boy from a well, but the rescue effort will also become a mission for Eddie to save himself from his past as the situation progresses.

9-1-1 airs Mondays at 8/7c on Fox.

Ryan Guzman, 9-1-1

Source : TVGuide