This is how much guests actually spend at weddings


A wedding is an expensive proposition, and not just for the bride and groom.

Between possible travel expenses, hotel stay, special-occasion attire and, of course, the wedding gift itself, guests often shell out hundreds, if not thousands, to attend — not to mention the shower and bachelor or bachelorette parties leading up to the big day, according to a report released Wednesday.

If it’s a close friend or family member, guests spend an average of $628 on the wedding and pre-parties, Bankrate said. Those in the wedding party shell out even more: $728 on average, Bankrate found.

Costs for a more distant relation still aren’t cheap. Wedding guests outside of the inner circle spend an average of $372, according to the report.

Wedding spending habits also vary by region. In the Northeast, guests cough up over $1,000 to be in a wedding and partake in all of the related events — and they give more generous gifts.

Northeasterners also are more likely to give cash or a check, while those in the South and West are more likely to buy a gift off the registry, Bankrate said.

Source : CNBC