Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness Trailer Promises One of Netflix’s Wildest Crime Docs Yet


What do you get when you mix exotic big cats, intense rivalry, and a man who follows his own personal code instead of the law? A Netflix documentary about one of America’s wildest murder-for-hire plots called Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness.

Tiger King tracks the life of Joe Exotic, one of the most eccentric players in the already stranger-than-fiction world of big cat owners. (And when we say big cats, we’re not talking about husky boys who are being lovingly overfed by their owners; we’re talking apex predators like tigers and lions.) A country music singer who owned a roadside zoo in Oklahoma, Joe built what he saw as a perfectly wild world — he privately owned over 1,200 exotic animals! — but it toppled when he became obsessed with Carole Baskin, a passionate animal activist who ran a big cat sanctuary in Tampa. What starts as a colorful rivalry soon devolves into murder plots and hired assassins when Carole’s activism threatens to shut down Joe’s business.

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As Joe says in the trailer, “[Carole’s] a plain old hypocrite. She does everything that I do.” We have a feeling the law might feel a bit differently.

Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness premieres Friday, March 20 on Netflix.

Joe Exotic, Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

Source : TVGuide