Top GOP Senate allies join Trump in mocking Warren


GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, speaking on Trump’s preferred morning show “Fox and Friends,” announced Tuesday that he would take his own DNA test, would “beat” Warren at having Native American ancestry and later said it would be “terrible” if the results showed he was Iranian.

“I’ve been told that my grandmother was part Cherokee Indian,” Graham said. “It may all be just talk, but you’re going to find out in a couple of weeks because I’m going to take this test. … I’m taking it, and the results are going to be revealed here. This is my Trump moment. This is reality TV.”

He added, “She’s less than one-tenth of 1 percent. I think I can beat her. I think I can beat her.”

As the segment ended, the Fox News hosts teased Graham’s future DNA results. Graham said, “I’ll probably be Iranian. That’d be, like, terrible.”

GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, meanwhile, ribbed Warren in a tweet on Monday that also poked fun at himself with a graphic saying his DNA results showed he descended from dinosaurs.

Trump has long seized on attack lines about Warren claiming Native American ancestry and mocked her with the nickname “Pocahontas.” In a move to push back on the attacks, Warren released details of her background on Monday, including a DNA analysis that said she has distant Native American ancestry. Warren also called on Trump to donate $1 million to the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, referencing his line in a campaign rally that he would donate $1 million to a charity of her choosing if she took a DNA test and the test “shows you’re an Indian.”
Trump dismissed the moves from Warren and continued calling her “Pocahontas” on Tuesday. He also said he would not pay the $1 million until she won the Democratic presidential nomination and unless he administered the test personally.

“I’ll only do it if I can test her personally,” he said. “This is not something I would enjoy doing either.”

Fox asked Graham on Tuesday if he too would ask for $1 million if he “beat” Warren in a DNA test, and Graham responded, “No, I want a casino and a million bucks.”

Source : CNN