Trade, Alaska, George Bush: Your Monday Evening Briefing


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Good evening. Here’s the latest.

1. Both President Trump and President Xi Jinping touted a U.S.-China trade war truce, announced during the G-20 meeting in Buenos Aires, as a win for their countries. But no agreement beyond their official statements exists, and deep divisions remain.

The news drove up stocks on Wall Street. But optimism was tempered by doubts that the fragile cease-fire would put the dispute between the world’s two largest economies to rest permanently.

The leaders spoke about the move in different ways. Mr. Trump announced on Twitter that China would “reduce and remove” tariffs on American-made cars, which make up about 1 percent of its market. But it’s unclear that China had indeed agreed. Above, news coverage of the agreement.

The Trump administration also said China would crack down on the supply of fentanyl, which has helped drive America’s opioid crisis. But Beijing offered few specifics to differentiate this promise from earlier ones.

2. The race is on for Alaskan oil.

Oil drilling advocates are closer than ever to getting exploration underway in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a pristine 19-million-acre wilderness.

President Trump is speeding the process along in the name of energy independence. But environmentalists worry about damage to the tundra, and they fear for polar bears and caribou.

Our journalists examined how, in the space of about a year, parts of the refuge, above, went from off-limits to open for business. Here are their six takeaways.

The area is home to about 900 polar bears, which are already struggling because of climate change. We asked an expert whether they can withstand another disruption.

3. Eulogies at George Bush’s funeral will be delivered by former President George W. Bush, his son, and by two friends and a biographer. The 41st president died on Friday.

Attending but not on the speaker roster: President Trump, who has been sharply critical of the Bush family in the past.

Mr. Bush’s coffin will be on view in the Capitol, where he served four years as a member of the House in the 1960s. He will lie in state there until Wednesday morning, then will be taken to a state funeral service at Washington National Cathedral. Above, in the Rotunda.

4. Wisconsin Republicans are trying to pass bills that would limit the power of the incoming Democratic governor.

Republicans summoned legislators to the state capital this week to consider a plan that could diminish the power of Tony Evers, above, the Democrat who beat Gov. Scott Walker last month.

The bills would restrict the governor’s ability to change public benefits programs and limit his authority to set rules for carrying out state laws. The proposals also include changes to voting laws and new authority for lawmakers on state litigation.

The plan is similar to efforts in Michigan this year and in North Carolina in 2016, where leaders of a state attempted to reallocate power when Democrats regained governor’s offices after years of single-party control.


5. Migrants from Central America who made the grueling journey across Mexico have spent weeks in squalid conditions at a Tijuana shelter. Now they must make wrenching decisions about what to do next.

Many decided to return home. Others accepted a Mexican offer of one-year humanitarian visas. More than 2,000 have sought appointments to request asylum in the U.S., even though waits for an interview are more than two months.

And a few made nighttime runs at the heavily guarded border fence, hoping to cross illegally. Some have even jumped into the ocean and tried to swim around. Above, the barrier near Tijuana.

“We’ve been suffering,” one migrant said, “and now we just want to cross.”

Separately, Congress was close to an agreement on a stopgap spending bill that would prevent a government shutdown, at least temporarily. President Trump has repeatedly threatened to close parts of the government if Democrats do not give him money for a border wall.


6. Who runs the vacuum?

Most Americans say they believe that men and women should have the same opportunities to work and participate in politics, according to a recent study.

But when it comes to household chores and child-rearing, a good number say that women should do more.

And behavior reflects such views. While women are doing more paid work than in the past, research has found, men aren’t doing that much more domestic work.

7. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli leader engulfed in corruption accusations, has a history of playing the victim, our correspondent writes.

If Mr. Netanyahu’s legal troubles, which stem from his efforts to control his image, spell the end of his career, the evidence uncovered by the police suggests that he will have only himself to blame.

But unless he is indicted and convicted, his coalition falters or he chooses to step down, he will remain in office at least until an election sometime next year — and even then defeating him would be a tall order.


8. “TV gets better and better, but it does not necessarily do so in a straight line.”

It was an exceptional year for television, our critics write, with big endings for old favorites, auspicious beginnings for some newcomers, and a world of outstanding foreign drama, thanks to streaming services.

Compare notes and see if you agree with their favorites in three categories: Best TV Shows, Best International TV and Best New TV Shows.

9. Matera, an ancient city in the south of Italy, has been named the 2019 Capital of Culture of the European Union.

It’s famous for its extraordinary Paleolithic caves, which have housed animals and families for thousands of years.

The new title is a great honor, accompanied by festivals, exhibitions — and thousands of tourists.

Which is a touchy topic with the mayor. Tourism, he said, will deplete a city of its soul.

An organizer of the cultural capital program clarified: Tourists visit a church, have a bite, leave. “I want people to have an experience that will change their lives, change the world,” he said.


10. Finally, can you like the person you love to hate?

Take the case of two online adversaries: Bari Weiss is a writer and editor for our Opinion section; Eve Peyser writes about politics and culture for Vice.

They still don’t agree about politics, but things changed once they met in real life. Having an ideologically diverse group of friends, Ms. Peyser writes, can help you better understand your own convictions.

We would like to hear from more people who have been at odds but are interested in finding common ground. If that describes you, we’d like you to get in touch.

Have a companionable evening.

Your Evening Briefing is posted at 6 p.m. Eastern.

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Source : Nytimes