Trump authorizes sanctions against International Criminal Court


The ICC has authorized a probe into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Afghanistan by US armed forces, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Taliban.

On Thursday, Trump signed an executive order aimed at targeting officials who are directly involved in the investigation.

“As part of President Donald J. Trump’s steadfast commitment to protecting American service members and defending our national sovereignty, the President has authorized economic sanctions against International Criminal Court officials directly engaged with any effort to investigate or prosecute United States personnel without the consent of the United States,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement. “The President has also authorized the expansion of visa restrictions against International Criminal Court officials and their family members.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the economic sanctions would be determined on a case by case basis. He also said the visa restrictions would include family members of the targeted officials.

“It gives us no joy to punish them, but we cannot allow ICC officials and their families to come to the United States to shop, travel, and otherwise enjoy American freedoms as these same officials seek to prosecute the defender of those very freedoms,” Pompeo said at the State Department Thursday.

The US is not a party to the criminal court, and the Trump administration has repeatedly admonished the Hague-based institution. It has already taken action to deter the Afghanistan investigation, including revoking the chief prosecutor’s entry visa last April.

CNN has reached out to the ICC for comment.

This is a breaking story and will be updated.

Source : Nbcnewyork