Trump briefly leaves press briefing after shooting near the White House


Trump returned to the briefing room minutes later, confirming a shooting.

“There was a shooting outside of the White House and it seems to be very well under control. I’d like to thank the Secret Service for doing their always quick and very effective work,” Trump said when he returned.

A senior administration official said there was an active shooter near the White House and that shooter is in custody.

The incident happened just outside of the White House grounds close to Lafayette Square, the official said.

Trump had been midsentence during the first attempt at a briefing when security came into the room and asked him to leave the area.

“Excuse me?” Trump asked when the security approached.

“Step outside,” the agent said.

“Oh,” Trump said before departing the room.

When Trump returned to the briefing room, he said he was taken to the Oval Office when he was evacuated.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Source : Nbcnewyork