U.N. Rights Chief Tells U.S. to Stop Taking Migrant Children From Parents


GENEVA — The United Nations’ top human rights official on Monday entered the mounting furor over the Trump administration’s policy of separating undocumented immigrant children from their parents, calling for an immediate halt to a practice he condemned as abuse.

Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, cited the observation by the president of the American Association of Pediatrics that locking the children up separately from their parents constituted “government-sanctioned child abuse” that may cause irreparable harm to children with lifelong consequences. He noted that United States immigration authorities had detained almost 2,000 children in the past six week.

“The thought that any state would seek to deter parents by inflicting such abuse on children is unconscionable,” Mr. al-Hussein said.

His intervention added to an escalating chorus of condemnation from people across the political spectrum in the United States, including the former first lady Laura Bush, who called the separations “cruel” and “immoral.” But Mr. al-Hussein risked retaliation by the Trump administration, widely believed to be pondering a pull-out from the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The high commissioner’s office had already condemned the practice of separating children from their parents this month, calling it a serious violation of children’s rights and international law. That drew an angry rebuke from Nikki R. Haley, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, who accused the agency of ignorance and hypocrisy.

Her response illustrated the administration’s deepening impatience with United Nations human rights mechanisms that Ms. Haley has accused of “chronic bias” against Israel while overlooking the abuses major human rights violators — even allowing them to become Human Rights Council members.

Diplomats from the United States mission in Geneva attended the start of a new council session on Monday, but rights advocates and envoys of other countries continued to ask how long the Americans would remain there.

President Trump has shown his disdain for the multilateral organizations and agreements that have long been central to world affairs, withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate accord, trade pacts and the Iran nuclear deal, imposing tariffs on trade, and undermining other international agreements.

Those tensions did not deter Mr. al-Hussein, an outspoken advocate for human rights, from raising the issue of families being pulled apart as they enter the United States, many of them illegally and others requesting asylum.

Opening the last session of the Human Rights Council before he steps down in August, he voiced deepening concern about a threat to global stability posed by the nationalist agendas of “self-serving, callous leaders.” Mr. al-Hussein warned that “the more pronounced their sense of self-importance, the more they glory in nationalism, the more unvarnished is the assault on the overall common good — on universal rights, on universal law and universal institutions, such as this one.”

The escalating attack on the multilateral system and its rules, he said, would only increase the risk “of further mischief on a grander scale.”

The high commissioner’s final overview of human rights around the world after four years in office earned a standing ovation from a packed council chamber.

Source : Nytimes