Virtual worlds for training – Robot co-workers? 7 cool technologies changing the way we work


Technology is poised to change the workplace, from robot co-workers and AI bosses to a fun twist on working remotely.

One such innovation is virtual reality. Although it’s often associated with gaming, it can also be a powerful workplace training tool.

Construction workers can put on a VR headset to understand hazards before entering a site, and nurses can learn more about the medical devices they use to treat patients. A startup named Strivr designs such VR experiences. It’s worked with Walmart to prepare workers for shopping crowds on Black Friday, too.

Professional sports teams such as the Dallas Cowboys and Minnesota Vikings also use Strivr’s tech to review plays or keep Injured players mind’s sharp when they cannot practice.

One of the biggest areas where VR training can be useful is safety, according to J. P. Gownder, vice president at research firm Forrester.

“Strivr is one of many approaches to solving this problem. The company’s templated approach makes it relatively easy to capture real-world environments for training,” Gownder said.

Source : CNN