We Made a Supernatural Newbie Watch the Bloody Mary Episode and Now He’s One Of Us


For those of us who live and breathe Supernaturalit sometimes seems unthinkable that there are actually people out there who have never watched the show. It’s been on for 15 years; how does someone avoid it for so long? While I can’t rectify this oversight for everyone, my colleague and fellow SPN Family member Keisha Hatchett and I did decide to do our part by introducing our coworker, Malcolm Venable, to Supernatural in a socially distanced watch party.

The episode we chose to be Malcolm’s first foray into the Winchesters’ world wasn’t the pilot, like you might have assumed. We actually picked Season 1’s “Bloody Mary” in honor of the series’ horror roots — and yeah, because we wanted to scare the crap out of Malcolm. 

Celebrate the Supernatural Series Finale With Winchester Week

For a first-timer, Malcolm followed the plot remarkably well, though he did joke that Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) basically share a personality. But considering Supernatural was still figuring itself out at this point — “Bloody Mary” was only the show’s fifth episode ever — that’s a pretty fair analysis. It also took Malcolm less than 10 minutes to start picking up on the the tension that inspires Wincest, to decide he’s totally Team Dean, and to determine that everybody in this show would seriously benefit from a licensed therapist.

By the end of the episode, we think we turned Malcolm into a Supernatural fan — even if it’s only the casual kind of viewer who ends up watching 10 episodes in a row some random Saturday when there’s a TNT marathon on. After all, once you’ve been pulled into this wonderful world of Winchesters, it’s hard to get out!

Supernatural‘s series finale airs Thursday, Nov. 19 at 9/8c on The CW. An hour-long retrospective, Supernatural: The Long Road Home, will air prior at 8/7c.

In honor of Supernatural coming to an end after 15 seasons, TV Guide presents Winchester Week, a celebration of Sam, Dean, and the entire SPN Family. Find out how the stars feel about saying goodbye, look back on the best episodes and moments, and join us in sending the Winchesters off in style.

Source : TVGuide