Women in Remarketing: Julie Smith of Element Fleet Management


CARY, N.C. – 

Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2021 Women in Remarketing honorees in the March issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.

Next up is Julie Smith, director of remarketing logistics at Element Fleet Management.

Auto Remarketing: What do you enjoy most about working in the remarketing industry? But, also, what aspect(s) of the business would you change — and how?

Julie Smith: Remarketing is an industry that always keeps me challenged. In remarketing, I can be creative and use my knowledge and experience to provide strategic remarketing solutions for both the business and our clients. The relationships in this industry are extremely important, and I think this last year in a more remote and virtual environment has really highlighted the relevance of that connectivity. As I progress through my career in remarketing, I look forward to gaining exposure to the developments in technology and staying ahead of the curve with implementation of that technology.

AR: What are some improvements that need to be made in the industry from a diversity and inclusion perspective? What are some examples you’ve seen of D&I programs that have worked?

JS: I think the industry is focusing on diversity and inclusion more and more each year. Within my team, we foster a culture where every voice is welcome, heard and respected. Continued industry leadership, committees and organizations focused on diversity and inclusion will help to continue to promote this culture within remarketing.

Julie Smith

AR: Describe a time when you were either a mentor or a mentee, and how that has shaped your career.

JS: I have been lucky enough to work with a few very influential mentors within the Element Remarketing Team and the industry. Their passion for remarketing is contagious and they have helped provide guidance on how to balance both knowledge and growth in many different areas of remarketing. One mentor in particular has challenged me to stretch my strategic thought and identify new ways to improve logistics.

They have really shaped my career by encouraging me to keep learning and to adapt to change. This mentor also solicits feedback from me as well which has been an extremely powerful relationship of shared experiences to help us both grow and stay challenged.

AR: Describe a time in your career where you were challenged and how you overcame that challenge.

JS: Leading logistics within my company, there are always challenges ranging from client specificity, weather, vehicle issues, etc. I am continually challenged to find more efficient and effective ways to transport vehicles throughout North America.

The most exciting challenges I have worked through have been when I have received a complex request and have found a strategic way to execute on that request.  The remarketing industry allows you to be creative and that is one of the aspects I love the most about my job.

AR: What is the top trend/storyline in the remarketing industry that you’re watching this year?

JS: The rapid move to digital sales and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all aspects of the remarketing process has been something I have been watching very closely in 2021. The pivot that the remarketing industry has made in such a short amount of time has been remarkable and it will be important to be at the forefront of any upcoming industry changes.

AR: What is something you would tell your younger self if you could go back to when you started your career in remarketing?

JS: I have only been in the remarketing industry for a few years, but I think the most important thing I have learned is that this industry is built on relationships and strategic thought. It is so important to build connections and relationships with suppliers, vendors, customers, and peers. It is crucial to stay agile in this ever changing environment and to always strive to keep learning.

I continually cross paths with inspirational leaders in this industry and they have always been willing to share their experiences and their true passion for remarketing, which is extremely contagious. I love this industry and the experiences I’ve created so far and I look forward to a fulfilling career in remarketing.

Source : AutoFinanceNews