Women in Remarketing: Marianne Simshauser of Stream


CARY, N.C. – 

Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2021 Women in Remarketing honorees in the March issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.

Next up is Marianne Simshauser, who is general manager of Stream.

Auto Remarketing: What do you enjoy most about working in the remarketing industry? But, also, what aspect(s) of the business would you change – and how?

Marianne Simshauser: Definitely the people. I’ve been fortunate to work with and for some really great ones over the years. They always keep it interesting.

However, it has not been, titles. I live to see the day when the title process is fully paperless and online. Right now it feels as antiquated as using a checkbook or a rotary phone.

AR: What are some improvements that need to be made in the industry from a diversity and inclusion perspective? What are some examples you’ve seen of D&I programs that have worked?

Marianne Simshauser

MS: I find this to be a very difficult question to answer. I don’t feel as if we can paint the industry as a whole with a broad “diversity and inclusion” brush. Some areas and companies have done great work building a variety of D&I programs, while others continue to lag. It is certainly something that must remain at the forefront of our discussions. The industry needs to remain cognizant of the fact that we have much room to grow. We need to always be identifying new opportunities to develop, improve, and strengthen our relationships within and without

AR: Describe a time when you were either a mentor or a mentee, and how that has shaped your career.

MS: I’ve never taken part in a mentoring program in the traditional sense. Instead, I try to learn from every interaction. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have met some incredibly brilliant and intuitive people who have and continue to provide insights and unique perspectives regarding all aspects of the business.  The list of people who have helped shape my philosophy, perspective, and style is immense, so I try to pay it forward and share what I’ve learned with my colleagues and clients, respectively.

AR: Describe a time in your career where you were challenged and how you overcame that challenge.

MS: Coming from the auction side of the industry, we met challenges weekly. Make that daily. Weather, lane placement, “misplaced” keys, security all pose some sort of obstacle. But that’s what makes this business what it is and keeps us coming back. Rising to those challenges, learning, and turning them into opportunities is part of the excitement. That, and hearing that bell ring followed by the auctioneer’s, “Sold!”

AR: What is the top trend/storyline in the remarketing industry that you’re watching this year?

MS: The digital marketplace. The industry was forced to quickly and fully embrace online sales at a magnitude that was never anticipated. Everyone was quick to acclimate and I feel we saw a higher success rate than was anticipated. I’m curious to see where and how we apply what we’ve learned from here.

AR: What is something you would tell your younger self if you could go back to when you started your career in remarketing?

MS: Look, listen, learn. There’s value to be found in everything happening around you. Find your passion and jump. And never lose your sense of humor.


Source : AutoFinanceNews