Women in Remarketing: Robin Lyday of GM Financial


CARY, N.C. – 

Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2021 Women in Remarketing honorees in the March issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.

Next up is Robin Lyday, who is distribution center manager at GM Financial.

Auto Remarketing: What do you enjoy most about working in the remarketing industry? But, also, what aspect(s) of the business would you change — and how?

Robin Lyday: I love that every day brings new challenges. This business is a fast-paced environment with never-ending challenges and one wherein the landscape is constantly changing.  Our industry has to change with demands in the market and has to be able to evolve as industry needs change.  We have to continuously stay ahead of the game.

AR: What are some improvements that need to be made in the industry from a diversity and inclusion perspective? What are some examples you’ve seen of D&I programs that have worked?

RL: Awareness, compassion and vast understanding of different cultures and people is at the heart of any changes that needs to be made surrounding diversity and inclusion; this is not inclusive to just our industry. 

Robin Lyday

Does our industry need to change? Yes, it does, but so does every other industry in the world and further down to a personal level for human beings.

I am very proud of the changes I have seen at GM Financial regarding these issues, they have taken this issue very seriously and have worked to ensure that everyone feels a sense of value and feels respected. 

We work in a very diverse culture, and by making it a top priority and giving the issues a voice it gives great understanding to all people, regardless of their differences.

AR: Describe a time when you were either a mentor or a mentee, and how that has shaped your career.

RL: When I received my first assignment as a field remarketing specialist, I had the privilege of working with and being mentored by a 40 year General Motors employee. The history perspective and guidance gained from this working relationship provided me a firm understanding and basis that laid the foundation for many years of success in the field of remarketing.  I went into the position with very limited knowledge of how the auctions work, reconditioning a vehicle and selling used cars through that channel. 

This opened up an entirely new world for me, one that I have truly come to love and something that I am very passionate about. This is a remarkable industry that 17 years ago I did not even know existed.

AR: Describe a time in your career where you were challenged and how you overcame that challenge.

RL: When I came into the remarketing industry, there were not a lot of women that were in decision-making positions assigned to an auction on behalf of a financial institution. I had to develop not only my knowledge and abilities, I had to stand toe-to-toe with men who discounted me for the fact that I was a woman. 

I was able to overcome the prejudice and unfair judgment by demonstrating consistent, accurate and firm resolution of all the skills necessary to perform at the same level and on the same stage as my male peers.  I worked very hard to learn and accomplish goals set for myself, to become the best I could be at the job I was doing and to show that with hard work you can accomplish anything.               

AR: What is the top trend/storyline in the remarketing industry that you’re watching this year?

RL: We are in a completely unprecedented time being in the mists of a pandemic that has significantly altered and changed the way in which our business is conducted.  As I am hopeful this medical crisis passes, I am curious and intrigued by what permanent or long last effects it will leave in its wake. 

The industry had to change and quickly to continue to sell cars in an ever-changing time earlier this year. The signs are very positive that used cars are in demand, and how we meet those demands with new technologies and ways to bring our cars to market will be interesting to watch.

AR: What is something you would tell your younger self if you could go back to when you started your career in remarketing?

RL: Embrace change, don’t be afraid to accept challenges and if you see an avenue you would like to pursue you are unstoppable if you put your best foot forward and use your mind to clear the way.


Source : AutoFinanceNews