Your first job should be a good one, and you should land it quickly. 


They found students who have a job they like lined up after college are more than twice as likely to be earning $60,000 a year than those graduates who took between two and 12 months to secure a good job.

The longer it takes for that desired job to come, the bigger the hit to your earning power.

More than a third of recent college graduates who took a year or more to land a fitting job earn less than $24,000 a year, not much more than they’d likely be making had they never attended college.

People who can’t find the right position confront challenges, Marken said, such as explaining their lack of experience to a prospective employer along with a greater likelihood of taking a job just to have one, irregardless of its appropriateness. “Some people take jobs that aren’t their ultimate dream job or even at the income they need to sustain their expenses, but it may be an offer they feel obligated to accept,” Marken said. “It’s very difficult to get out of that cycle.”

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Source : CNBC