Australia’s Malcolm Turnbull wins leadership challenge


Turnbull threw all leadership positions in the Liberal Party open early Tuesday, inviting challengers to nominate themselves for party leader.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, a high-profile member of the party’s conservative faction, put his hand up but was defeated by Turnbull 48 to 35.

Julie Bishop remains deputy prime minister after her position was uncontested.

Soon after the vote Dutton resigned as minister, stepping down from his dual roles as home affairs and immigration minister, which includes oversight of Australia’s strict border protection policy.

Australia's Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton (2nd R) speaks at Parliament as Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (bottom L) looks at his notes in Canberra on August 20, 2018.

It came after a day of policy chaos in Canberra after Turnbull dramatically backtracked on a key part of his signature climate change policy over concerns from his party’s conservative faction.

The Australian leader dropped all carbon emission targets from his National Energy Guarantee (NEG) Monday to quash leadership rumblings, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy dissent.

In the past decade, the Australian government has seen three different changes of the leader as the result of party leadership challenges. Since 2007, no Australian prime minister has faced two consecutive elections.

Turnbull previously took the leadership of the Liberal Party from then-Prime Minister Tony Abbott in September 2015, before winning an election in 2016.

Source : Nbcnewyork