Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou gets her big day in court: Extradition hearing gets underway in Vancouver


The hearing comes just over a year after Meng’s arrest in Vancouver on behalf of the United States, a highly politicized move that could have significant implications for Meng and Huawei, as well as for relations between Canada, China and the United States. In addition to her executive role, Meng is also the daughter of Huawei’s CEO, Ren Zhengfei.

Following Meng’s arrest, two Canadians were detained in China, in what was largely seen as retaliation. China said at the time there was no comparison between the two cases.

Even before Meng’s arrival Monday morning, a group of media and demonstrators had gathered outside the courthouse. Protestors held signs that read: “Free Ms. Meng. Bring Michael home. Trump stop bullying us. Equal Justice,” referring to the Canadians arrested in China.

Meng has been under house arrest in Vancouver while awaiting the extradition trial. She arrived Monday wearing high heeled pumps that showed off her ankle monitor. She waved to the waiting media.

This week’s hearing covers cover a crucial element of the extradition process called “double criminality.” In order to extradite someone from Canada, the conduct they will be tried for in the destination country — in this case the United States — must also be a crime under Canadian law.

Canada’s attorney general has argued that because Meng and Huawei are alleged to have committed bank fraud, which is a crime in both countries, that standard is met.

In addition to those charges, the Trump administration alleges Meng illegally evaded US sanctions against Iran. But her defense team has argued that essence of the US case against Meng includes violations of sanctions that do not exist in Canada.

A member of her defense counsel opened testimony Monday saying: “One way to begin is by posing a question: Would we be here in the absence of US sanctions law. Our respectful submission and response is no.”

“This extradition has every appearance of the US seeking to enlist Canada to enforce the very sanctions which we have repudiated,” Meng’s lawyer said, noting Canada remains in the multi-nation Iran agreement that the Trump administration withdrew from in May.

In a statement posted online Monday morning, Huawei said the company trusts in “Canada’s judicial system, which will prove Ms. Meng’s innocence.”

The hearing is expected to run through Thursday.

If the Canadian federal judge determines that the double criminality standard is met, the extradition process will continue. If not, Meng could be released.

Huawei’s troubles in the United States started a year ago, including several lawsuits and its placement on the Entity List that restricted it from buying from US suppliers.

Source : Nbcnewyork