North and South Korean Peace Efforts Explained


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In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere on the Korean Peninsula went from one of fear and uncertainty to one of hope — for an end to a decades-long war and, ultimately, for peace.

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s talk of denuclearization during his recent meeting with the South Korean president, Moon Jae-in — coming on the heels of a rapid acceleration of nuclear missile testing — left some wanting a deeper explanation of the seemingly sudden change in rhetoric.

So our Tokyo bureau chief, Motoko Rich, went live on Facebook from the headquarters of The General Association of Korean Residents in Japan to help viewers make sense of the shift in tone.

What Did They Talk About?

Motoko gave a rundown of events leading up to the peace talks between Mr. Kim and Mr. Moon and summarized what the two leaders discussed in their meeting.

Why the Sudden Change?

She answered viewer questions about Mr. Kim’s new, hopeful stance while acknowledging that the leader has a history of promising denuclearization and then switching gears.

What’s Next?

Now that the stage has finally been set for an official end to the Korean War, more than a half century after the 1953 cease-fire, what is likely to happen next, our Facebook Live audience asked, and what are the global implications?

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Source : Nytimes